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May 19, 2010


maternity los angeles

I am going to try to have a baby next year but decided to started research. I did not realized so much to considered from type of birth to the minute matters of diapers. I love the one they're standing by the door. Her eyes are so beautiful. Looking forward to this with my husband.


Lori@Not Always Charming

Regular jeans? That shouldn't even be legal! So unfair!


I'm so happy for them!! You did such a wonderful job, I really like the ones with thie light streaming in thru the back. And yes, I'm extremely jealous of her petite prego bod! haha

Amanda Seale

Great pics! And I am 10 weeks postpartum and wish i could wear my regular jeans! not fair!


Great maternity pics! 2nd B & W is my fav! Great job Viv!


SO jealous !!!

Great pics as well !

Pam Blaha

Aren't they cute? Great pictures!


Ok...so I shouldn't have looked. These are amazing! They both have the most beautiful eyes! They look so in Love..perfect!

Donna Davenport

Wow!! I love all of the pics!!

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