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February 08, 2011


Christy C

They look like they popped right out of a gap kids add. How cute can two kids be?


I've been feeling in a bit of a rut myself...we should have a photo play date sometime!

Asha Vashte Kenebrew



Cute, Cute, Cute! They are adorable Buffy! Viv this was a great location!


Oh Mercy! I die over EVERY one of these Viv! What a couple of cutie patooties! Your bw conversions are so rich! Love the hand holding down the path and the snuggles. Buffy is blessed!

Julie Jackson

I hold this family near and dear to my heart and actually pray Doss-Holly becomes my daughter in law one day! :o) LOVE THESE PICS! Bring me the CD when you can B.Jane, I need to print that last one for my wall!


that last pic is priceless gosh, awsome awsome!!!


Aww... this is what happens when two beautiful fall in love. Lovely, happy children. Viv, you did again. I read BJane and added with your great photos, I feel like I know her adorable kids!


Oh man.... So cute ! I love the last one. They look so content with each other....


These two are the cutest kids!! Love the last pic.. precious!

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